


SupportTier: 3

Supports Offering Skills. Supported Skills Sacrifice a portion of your life on use, but deal much more damage and have more powerful Buffs in return.

30% increased effect of Offerings
Supported Skills Sacrifice 15% of Life on use
Supported Offering Skills deal 30% more Damage



Supports projectile skills, making those projectiles travel faster.

Supported Skills have 40% increased Projectile Speed



Supports Slams you use yourself, giving them a chance to create an Aftershock.

Supported skills have 20% chance to cause an Aftershock



Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making it more likely to Critical Hit enemies on full life.

Supported Skill has 100% more Critical Hit Chance against Enemies that are on Full Life

Ammo Conservation

SupportTier: 1

Supports Crossbow Ammunition Skills, granting a chance to not consume a Bolt when firing.

Supported Crossbow Attacks have 25% chance to not consume a bolt

Ancestral Urgency


Supports Skills which place Totems, causing those skills to place Totems much more quickly.

Supported Skills have 80% increased Totem Placement speed

Arcane Surge


Supports Spells you cast yourself, tracking the mana you spend to cast them. Spending enough mana grants a burst of Mana Regeneration and Cast Speed.

Gain Arcane Surge for 8 seconds after Spending a total of 100% of your Maximum Mana on Supported Skills

Arcane Temp


Supports Spells, causing them to cast faster.

Supported Skills have 25% more Cast Speed

Armour Explosion


Supports Attacks, causing them to trigger a fiery explosion when they Fully Break an ememy's Armour.

Supported Skills trigger an Explosion when they Fully Break an enemy's Armour
Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Explosion radius is 1.4 metres

Astral Projection

SupportTier: 3

Supports Nova Skills, causing those Skills to take place at the targeted location when used instead of around you.

Supported Skills Cast at the targeted location instead of around you
Supported Skills have 35% less Area of Effect

Auto Reload

SupportTier: 2

Supports Crossbow, Ammunition Skills, causing them to automatically reload when they Heavy Stun an enemy.

Supported Skills reload automatically on Heavy Stunning an enemy



Supports Strike skills, causing them to steal modifiers from Rare monsters they kill.

Killing Blows from Supported Strike Skills against Rare monsters grant one of their Modifiers for 20 seconds

Biting Frost


Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing them to deal more damage to Frozen enemies but consume their Freeze. Cannot support skills that Consume Freeze.

Supported Skills cannot cause Freeze buildup
Supported Skills Consume Freeze on enemies to deal 50% more Damage


SupportTier: 1

Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing them to Blind on Hit.

Supported Skills have 100% chance to Blind enemies on hit



Supports Melee Attacks, causing them to deal mode damage against Bleeding enemies, but preventing them from inflicting Bleeding.

Supported Skills deal 30% more Melee Physical Damage Against Bleeding enemies
Supported Attacks cannot cause Bleeding


SupportTier: 2

Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to Knock Back enemies.

Supported Skills Knock Enemies Back on Hit

Break Endurance

SupportTier: 1

Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to gain an Endurance Charge when it Fully Breaks an enemy's Armour.

20% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when Supported Skills Fully Break enemy Armour

Break Posture


Supports Attacks, causing them to Daze Enemies when they fully Break Armour.

Supported Skills apply Daze when fully Breaking Armour
Daze lasts for 6.0 seconds



Supports any skill that deals damage, boosting its Physical damage at the expense of all other damage types.

Supported Skills deal 35% more Physical Damage
Supported Skills deal no Chaos Damage
Supported Skills deal no Elemental Damage



Supports Attacks, causing them to gain Accuracy.

Supported Skills have 50% more Accuracy Rating









Path of Exile 2 でキャラクタービルドとプレイスタイルを好みに合わせて調整するために、サポートジェムを戦略的に選択し組み合わせます。


PoE 2 のサポートジェムはキャラクターの属性に応じてスケールし、キャラクタービルディングに深みを加え、多様なステータス配分を奨励します。


PoE 2 では同じサポートジェムの複数のコピーの使用を制限し、より多様で思慮深いジェムの選択を促進します。

Path of Exile 2 サポートジェムについてよくある質問

Path of Exile 2 でサポートジェムはどのように機能しますか?

Path of Exile 2 では、サポートジェムはスキルジェムに直接統合されます。これらは新しい効果を追加したり既存の効果を修正したりしてアクティブスキルを強化し、より柔軟で強力なキャラクタービルドを可能にします。

PoE 2 で1つのスキルに使用できるサポートジェムの数はいくつですか?

Path of Exile 2 では、1つのスキルを最大5つのサポートジェムで強化でき、信じられないほど多様で強力なスキルの組み合わせが可能です。

Path of Exile 2 で同じサポートジェムの複数のコピーを使用できますか?

いいえ、Path of Exile 2 では、どのスキルにも同じサポートジェムの複数のコピーを使用することはできません。この制限により、より多様なジェムの選択とビルドの多様性が促進されます。

Path of Exile 2 でサポートジェムをどのように入手できますか?

Path of Exile 2 では、クエスト報酬として、倒した敵からのドロップとして、そして特定のボスの初回討伐時の確定ドロップとしてサポートジェムを入手できます。一部のサポートジェムは販売者から購入することもできます。

PoE 2 でサポートジェムはスキルの属性要求にどのように影響しますか?

Path of Exile 2 でスキルにサポートジェムを追加すると、そのスキルの属性要求が増加する可能性があります。正確な増加量は特定のサポートジェムに依存し、ジェムレベルに応じてスケールする場合があります。

Path of Exile 2 で新しいタイプのサポートジェムは導入されますか?

詳細はまだ明らかにされていませんが、Path of Exile 2 ではクラシックなジェムの再構想版と並んで新しいタイプのサポートジェムが導入され、スキルをカスタマイズし強化する新しい方法が提供されると予想されています。